인체조직물의 연구 목적 활용과 관련된 윤리적 문제*
Published Online: Jun 30, 2003
The importance of human tissues in scientific researches is ever increasing, and more and more scientists and physicians use the human tissue(human wastes) as research objects or subsidiary substances. In this process it is concerned that the human body is granted as just simple material or property, and the human dignity is injured. Human body and its components should not be thought as simple material because it contains the identity and personal history of the owner. In addition it stimulates the symbolic meaning of life and death in most civilized societies, and most people think it ethical to treat the human body-live or dead-carefully.
We can consider a few ethical weak point in treating the human tissues ; it may injure the human dignity and individual right and welfare, as well as threat the public health. Careful management, full informed consent, and concern for the risk of infection and commercialization are important factors that we have to seek in using the human tissues for scientific researches.