
연구윤리교육에 대한 생명과학 연구자들의 의견 및 요구

조은희1, 김은애2, 권복규3, 강은희4
Eun Hee Cho1, Eunae Kim2, Bok Kyu Kwon3, Eunhee Kang4
Author Information & Copyright
1Chosun University
2Hongik University
3Ewha Womans University
4Chosun University

ⓒ Copyright 2006 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2006


This study was designed to examine the attitudes of biological scientists concerning research ethics education and the role of government agencies in promoting research ethics. An explanatory letter was sent via e-mail to the members of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cell Biology requesting participants to respond to an on-line questionnaire. Although most respondents claimed to be aware of the main issues in research ethics and the importance of research ethics education, 121 (or 69.1%) of the 175 participants experienced no formal training in research ethics education. The preferred formats for research ethics education among respondents included seminars at research institutes (98 respondents, 56.0%) or college courses at the undergraduate or graduate level (50, 28.6%) for less than 8 hours (117, 66.9%). Data processing and recording (122, 69.7%), authorship (109, 62.3%), and the management of research funds (105, 60.0%) were regarded as the most appropriate topics for education. Sixty-eight respondents (38.9%) reported some experiences with ethical dilemmas in conducting research and 135 (77.1%) showed interest in consulting an ombudsman if available. Chi-square analysis detected significant differences between principal investigators and other researchers concerning specific views on how research ethics education should be implemented in research institutes. To promote research integrity, respondents recommended that government agencies support research ethics education and construct an equitable, reliable, and transparent funding system for research. Jurisdiction and regulatory bodies to investigate research misconduct were also recommended.

Keywords: 연구윤리; 생물과학자 교육; 연구윤리교육; 부정행위; 옴부즈맨
Keywords: Research ethics; Education for biological scientists; Research ethics education; Misconduct; Ombudsman

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