
간호 대학생의 도덕 판단력에 관한 종단적 연구: DIT(Defining Issue Test)를 사용하여

이미애 1 , *
Mi-Aie LEE 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1동국대학교 의과대학 간호학과
1Department of Nursing, College of Medicine, Dongguk University
*동국대학교 의과대학 간호학과. 054-770-2620.

ⓒ Copyright 2008 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2008


This study was performed to measure the moral judgment (P(%) and 4-stage) scores of student nurses four times over a three year period and to identify any statistically significant changes in participants’ scores. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires from student nurses at one university in Korea from September 2005 to September 2008. The Korean version of the Defining Issues Test (DIT) was adopted to evaluate the moral judgment (P(%) and 4-stage) scores of participants. The results were as follows: 1) Participants’ consecutive P(%) scores were 45.81, 48.92, 42.69, 40.45, with of a mean of 44.74; and their consecutive 4-stage scores were 12.51, 12.78, 14.93, 17.08, with a mean of 14.15; and 2) the scores of P(%) rose until participants reached their 2nd grade, but then started to fall when they reached 3rd grade and continued to fall in the 4th grade, while the scores of 4-stage increased steadily during the study period. These moral judgment scores, especially those for 4th grade students, are very similar to the scores for Korean nurses. It is concluded that the moral judgment of student nurses is affected by nurses during their practical training. This study suggests that there is a need to develop the moral judgment of student nurses and nurses in nursing education and practice.

Keywords: 도덕 발달; 간호 대학생; 간호사; DIT
Keywords: Moral development; Nursing students; Nurses; Defining Issues Test