
의학적 의사결정의 실천 모델: 환자, 의사, 사회, 세 가지 주된 힘의 상호작용을 중심으로

이효진 1 , *
Hyo Jean LEE 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1산청군 보건의료원
1Sancheong-gun Health Center and County Hospital
*교신저자: 이효진. 산청군 보건의료원. 055-970-7500.

ⓒ Copyright 2013 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Feb 28, 2013; Accepted: Apr 20, 2013

Published Online: Apr 30, 2013


Physicians come face to face with many crises concerning the medical decision making. Apart from medical problems, they have to consider patient’s personal needs, social ethics and law. Because physician-patient relationship changed from doctor-centered to cooperation-based like shared decision making. Meanwhile the conflicts between patients and doctors are growing all the time, since each patient has to bear a socioeconomic cost of disease. Therefore, the approach by ethics and law is needed to solve their problem, for example, hospital ethics committee. In conclusion, the medical decision making process is an outcome from the interaction with three forces : medical opinion of doctor, personal needs of patient and limitation of society like law and ethics. This article shed light on these three main forces and propose practice model.

Keywords: 의사결정; 환자-의사관계; 갈등; 사회경제적 요인; 윤리위원회
Keywords: decision making; physician-patient relation; conflict; socioeconomic factors; ethics committees