
한국판 임종치료선호도(Preferences for Care Near the End of Life Scale-Korean Version: PCEOL-K)의 신뢰도 및 타당도

이윤정1, 김신미2,*
Yunjung Lee1, Shinmi Kim2,*
Author Information & Copyright
1우석대학교 간호학과
2청주대학교 간호학과
1Department of Nursing, Woosuk University
2Department of Nursing, Cheongju University
*교신저자: 김신미. 청주대학교 간호학과. 043-229-8992.

ⓒ Copyright 2009 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Mar 31, 2009


The purpose of this study was to validate the Korean version of the Preferences for Care near the End of Life (PCEOL-K) scale. Original items on the PCEOL scale were translated from English into Korean and polished by means of retranslation back into English with editorial supervision by experts. A convenience sample of 247 nursing students participated in the study. Content validity and test-retest reliability tests were performed and descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha and Pearson Correlation Coefficient were utilized. Five factors from the original PCEOL were validated with minor variations. Reliability estimates (internal consistency) for the factors ranged from 0.42 to 0.89. Retest stability estimates for PCEOL-K showed correlations of p=.000 for factor scores over a 2-week interval. As a result, PCEOL-K is a reliable, valid, and useful instrument for evaluating preferences regarding care near the end of life.

Keywords: 임종기 치료; 도구검증; PCEOL; PCEOL-K
Keywords: End-of-life care; Instrument validation; PCEOL; PCEOL-K

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