
무작위 임상시험의 윤리적·법적 문제

최경석 1 , *
Kyungsuk CHOI 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1이화여자대학교 법과대학
1College of Law, Ewha Womans University
*이화여자대학교 법과대학. 02-3277-6659.

ⓒ Copyright 2008 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2008


Human experimentation can be ethically justified when subjects participate on a voluntary basis. Informed consent is required for clinical trials, including randomized clinical trials. Nevertheless, ethical issues arise when subjects are randomly distributed to experimental and control groups in randomized clinical trials. I argue that equipoise as well as informed consent is a condition of randomized clinical trials. Benjamin Freedman distinguishes theoretical equipoise from clinical equipoise. I call the former the “individual physician equipoise” and the latter the “clinical community equipoise.” Under clinical community equipoise, randomized clinical trials are ethically justified because physicians may still provide the best treatment to their patients. The above ethical principle should be applied to placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials. When experimental drugs and placebos are in clinical community equipoise, a trial may be ethically justified. In addition, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials should be designed with double-blinding. The reason for this requirement is that physicians would cheat their patients without double-blinding. Current FDA regulations in Korea and the US do not sufficiently reflect the above ethical points. Institutional review boards should review their protocols in light of these ethical points. In particular, IRB regulations should reflect the basic ideas of equipoise in randomized clinical trials and double-blinding in placebo-controlled randomized clinical trials.

Keywords: 무작위 임상시험; 위약대조 시험; 충분한 정보에 의한 동의; 임상적 등가상태; 이중 눈가림; 헬싱키선언
Keywords: Randomized clinical trial; Placebo-controlled trial; Informed consent; Clinical equipoise; Double-blinding; Helsinki Declaration

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