
DNR에 대한 의사들의 인식 및 태도조사

한성숙1, 한미현2,*, 용진선1
Han Sung Suk1, Han Mi Hyun2,*, Yong Jin Sun1
Author Information & Copyright
1가톨릭대학교 간호대학
2한미현(교신저자) : 혜전대학 간호과
1College of Nursing, The Catholic University
2Department of Nursing, Hyejeon College
*한미현(교신저자) : 혜전대학 간호과, 041-630-5290,

ⓒ Copyright 2003 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2003


The study was intended to identify the doctor's experiences, understanding, and attitudes on DNR . Also, the study was to provide the data base for a standard of DNR decision-making and practice. The sample consisted of 96 doctors in two general hospitals. The data were collected between October 1 and December 15, 2002. The Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and χ2 test.

The results of the study were as follows :

1. Regarding DNR-related experience, 69.8 percent of the participants experienced DNR situations. Approximately 18.8 percent the participants received DNR education.

2. The DNR Order was recoded at 66.7% on doctor's sheet.

3. DNR was most frequently(38.5%) requested by family members and relatives of patients, followed by medical staff(27.1%) and patients themselves with advanced directives(7.3%). The decision-making on DNR was most frequently (56.3%) made by agreement between family members and medical staff, followed by patients themselves(1,0%).

4. Problems after DNR order were negligence in treatment and nursing care(26%), and guilty feelings due to not doing the best(14.6%). CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) was performed about 34.4% of DNR cases.

5. Regarding understanding and attitude on DNR, most of the participants(94.8%) thought DNR was necessary. The major reasons for the necessity of DNR were impossible recovery( 63.5%) and death with dignity(26%).

6. The decision-making on DNR was most frequently made by family members and medical staff(36.5%), followed by patient and family(27.1%), patients themselves(13.5%), conferance of medical staff and chief staff(11.4%) and ethics committee of the hospital(6.3%).

7. Ninety three point eight percent of the participants thought that medical staff must explain DNR to critical and end-of-life patients and their family members. The most appropriate time for DNR explanation was when patients with critical disease were admitted to hospitals(47.9%). Most of the participants(84.4%) thought a guide book for DNR is necessary to be made in hospitals.

8. There were significant differences in the participants experienced on DNR according to age(p<.05).

The findings of the study suggest that a guide book for DNR need to be made with inclusion of legal, ethical, and cultural aspects, Also, there needs to be more education on DNR in medical ethics to helth care professionals and to provide more information on DNR to the general public.

Keywords: 심폐소생술 금지; 윤리적 자기결정권
Keywords: DNR(Do Not Resuscitate); ethical decision-making

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