
일 지역 전문대학 간호계와 비간호계 학생의 DIT를 사용한 도덕판단력 비교조사

조미경 1 , *
Mee-Kyung Cho 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1대전보건대학 간호과
1Daejeon Health Sciences College
*대전보건대학 간호과. 042-670-9374.

ⓒ Copyright 2009 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2009


This study was performed to evaluate the moral judgments (P(%) and 4stage) of nursing and nonnursing student using a DIT test. The data were collected through self-reported questionnaires from 483 college students and measured by the Korean version of the Defining Issues Test (KDIT). The results were as follows. The mean P(%) scores of nursing and non-nursing student were 43.83(SD=15.70) and 38.27(SD=15.18) respectively. The difference between the scores for the two groups was statistically significant, as was the difference between the P(%) scores for males and females. The mean stage 4 scores for nursing and non-nursing students were 20.06(SD=11.97) and 18.83(SD=10.63) respectively. There were significant differences in the stage 4 scores for gender (F=3.18, p=.049), nursing ethics learning experience (t=4.59, p=.025), and number of siblings (t=5.17, p=.026). While the P(%) score for third-year students was lower than that for first-and second-year students, third-year students had the highest stage 4 score. The moral judgment score of third-year students is thought to be affected by clinical nurses during their practical training. The results of this study indicate a need for further longitudinal studies to measure the moral judgments of nursing students.

Keywords: 도덕판단력; 도덕판단력검사; 도덕성; 도덕적 사고
Keywords: moral judgment; Defining Issues Test; morality; moral reasoning