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Korean Journal of Medical Ethics. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2006

Phronesis of Doctors in Medicine
의료에서 의사의 실천적 지혜(phronesis)
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):1-15.
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Ethical problems concerning human embryonic research
배아연구와 관련된 윤리적 문제점들
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):16-27.
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Suicide as "Thingified" Death
물화된 죽음으로서의 자살*
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):28-43.
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Ethics Education in Medical Schools in Korea: Current status and problems concerning teachers, materials, and methodologies
우리나라 의료윤리교육의 현황과 발전방향 : 누가 무엇을 어떻게 가르치고 평가할 것인가?
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):44-59.
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A Critical Review of Current Medical Ethics Education in Korea
우리나라 의료윤리 교육에 대한 비판적 고찰*
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):60-72.
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An evaluation of the level of moral development of clinical nurses in Korea
병원간호사의 도덕성 발달 수준 평가
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):73-84.
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Revising the Korean Bioethics and Biosafety Act:Should researchers be prohibited from donating oocytes?*
Korean J Med Ethics 2006;9(1):85-97.
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