Korean Journal of Medical Ethics
The Korean Society for Medical Ethics

병원간호사의 도덕성 발달 수준 평가

이미애1, 안성희2,*, 강윤숙3, 서문경애4, 신미자5
Mi-Aie LEE1, Sung-Hee AHN2,*, Yoon-Sook KANG3, Gyeong-Ae SEOMUN4, Mi-Ja SHIN5
1동국대학교 간호학과
2가톨릭대학교 간호대학
3적십자 간호대학
4고려대학교 간호대학
5안산1대학 간호과
1Department of Nursing, College of medicine, Dongguk University
2College of Nursing, Catholic University
3Red Cross College of Nursing
4College of Nursing, Korea University
5Department of Nursing, Ansan College
*교신저자 : 안성희, 서울시 서초구 반포동 505번지, 02-590-1299, shahn@catholic.ac.kr

ⓒ Copyright 2006 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2006


This study was conducted to evaluate the level of moral development of clinical nurses in Korea. Data were collected through self-reported questionnaires received from 187 clinical nurses in Korea from March 1 to 15, April 2006. The Korean version of the DIT (Rest's Defining Issues Test) was adopted to evaluate levels of moral development, which was measured by the score of P(%) and stage 4. The data were analyzed by a t-test, ANOVA. The results were as follows: 1) The mean score of P(%) and stage 4 was 39.66 (SD=13.34) and 16.20 (SD=8.12) respectively; 2) The score of P(%) revealed significant differences by marital status, nursing ethics education, and employment rank; 3) The score of stage 4 revealed significant differences by age, education level, birthplace, employment rank, and amount of clinical experience. In conclusion, while nursing ethics education should be helpful for enhancing nurses' moral development, this study suggests that it is necessary to develop the content of nursing ethics education and to evaluate its effectiveness.

Keywords: 도덕성 발달; 간호윤리교육; 도덕 판단력 검사
Keywords: Moral development; Nursing ethics education; Rest's Defining Issues Test