List of Articles

Korean Journal of Medical Ethics. Vol. 13, No. 1, 2010

A Study of the Attitudes of Patients, Family Members, and Physicians toward the Withdrawal of Medical Treatment for Terminal Patients in Korea
우리나라 일부 병원에서 환자, 보호자, 의료진의 연명치료 중지 관련 의사결정에 관한 태도*
Korean J Med Ethics 2010;13(1):1-16.
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The Limits of Medical Care and the Termination of Life-Sustaining Treatment
무의미한 연명치료 중단 결정에서 의료의 한계
Korean J Med Ethics 2010;13(1):17-28.
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Advance Directives and Proxy Decision-making
사전의사결정(Advance Directives)의 속성-대리인 지정을 중심으로
Korean J Med Ethics 2010;13(1):29-42.
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Evaluating the Quality of Informed Consent in Clinical Research
임상연구에서 피험자 서면동의의 질 평가*
Korean J Med Ethics 2010;13(1):43-58.
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Preconditions for the Development of Global Bioethics Policies: What Purpose, Attitude, Effort, and System are needed?
지구촌 생명윤리정책 개발의 전제조건들 : 어떤 목적, 태도, 노력 및 체계가 필요한가?
Korean J Med Ethics 2010;13(1):59-71.
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