
DIT검사로 평가한 의료윤리 교육의 효과-D대학 의과대학생을 중심으로*

김익중1,*, 성낙진1, 정기훈1, 배근량1, 박건욱1, 김종필1, 김도균1, 홍성훈2
Ik-Jung KIM1,*, Nak-Jin SUNG1, Ki-Hoon JUNG1, Geun-Ryang BAE1, Keun-Uk PARK1, Jong-Pil KIM1, Do-Gyun KIM1, Sung-Hoon HONG2
Author Information & Copyright
1동국대학교 의과대학
2여주대학 보육학과
1Medical School, Dongguk University
2Department of Child Education, Yeoju College
*교신저자: 김익중, 경북 경주시 석장동 동국대학교 의과대학 미생물학교실. 054-770-2406, 019-350-2406.

ⓒ Copyright 2005 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2005


Medical ethics education program needs to be evaluated just like other education programs. After 3 years of medical ethics education, we studied the effect of it by a questionnaire and DIT test developed by Rest. The results of the questionnaire survey revealed that the students had supportive attitude in general on the educational program which is composed of dilemma discussion. In addition, the DIT test showed that both the higher p-value group and the lower p-value group in the pre-educational test shifted toward the mean p-value after the education. This implicates that medical ethics education practically lowered the p-value of pre-test higher group(statistically meaningful) and raised the p-value of the pre-test lower group(statistically not meaningful). The lowering effect for the pre-test higher group could be explained by the “realization effect” of the education program. We think that the influences of discussion leaders and the natural lowering trends reported by other researchers could contribute to the “realization effect”.

Keywords: 의료윤리; DIT검사; 딜레마토론; 도덕(윤리)판단 력, 현실화 효과
Keywords: DIT test; Medical ethics; Dilemma discussion; Realization effect