
이종장기이식과 관련된 생명의료윤리문제에 대한 연구자들의 인식 조사*

홍석영1, 권복규2, 추정완1, 김현철3, 박은정4
Suk-Young HONG1, Ivo KWON2, Jung-Wan CHOO1, Hyeon-Cheol KIM3, Un-Jong PAK4
Author Information & Copyright
1서울대학교 국민윤리교육과
2가천의대 인문사회의학과
3강원대학교 법학과
4서울대학교 법학과
1Seoul National University, Department of Ethics Education
2Gachon Medical School, Department of Medical Humanities
3Kangwon University, College of Law
4Seoul National University, College of Law

ⓒ Copyright 2004 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2004


In response to the shortage of human organs for transplantation, xenotransplantation is considered as one of the alternatives. In Korea, the xenotransplantation research began at 2002. But xenotransplantation raises a few of bioethical issues: the ethical legitimacy of xenotransplantation research, the ethics of animal experiments, and the problems of the clinical trial.

In 2004 we administered a survey to find out the perceptions and attitudes of the researchers participated in xenotransplantation research toward some bioethical issues related to such research. We received 40 responses and analyzed the data.

This survey showed that all of the respondents answered that xenotransplantation research is ethically legitimate. But 'very much legitimate'(43.6%) is little lower than 'some legitimate'(56.4%).

In related to the ethics of animal experiments, this survey showed some meaningful results: the establishment of Animal Experiment Committee, the need to regular education about animal experiment guideline, the need and justness of transgenic animal and primates recipients etc.

In relation to the clinical trial, this survey showed the researchers are very prudent and cautious. They agree to clinical test after 90% safety guaranteed in animal experiments. But they show a favourable response to xenotransplantation if the safety and effectiveness of xenotransplantation is guaranteed.

Keywords: 이종장기이식; 연구자 의식; 이종장기이식의 윤리
Keywords: xenotransplantation; ethics of xenotransplantation; attitudes of the researchers

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