
아루투르 요레스(Arthur Jores)의 의학적 인간학

진교훈 1
Kyo-Hun CHIN 1
Author Information & Copyright
1서울대학교 사범내학 윤리교육피
1Department of Education of Ethics, Seoul National University

ⓒ Copyright 2001 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Jun 30, 2001


The main purpose of this thesis on medical anthropology by Arthur Jores is to evoke physicians the importance of psychosomatics and anthropological medicine.

Arthur Jores had made a great contribution to the development of psychosomatics and medical anthropology. He had criticized the contemporary medicine which had been based on the law of causality. He had empathized that physicians should give thought to the "homo patiens and inner cause of psychosomatic disease. According to Jores, a human-being is not a tool but a person that has a dignity. A patient will die when he loses his hope for life. Therefore, physicians should understand fully the patients and should cure the patient s psychosomatic disease not only by the medical treatment based on causality but by the growth of patient s own personality. In this context, we understand why Jores had criticized freudian's psychologism and that medical anthropology by Arthur Jores is based on catholic thoughts. Medical anthropology is completed not by natural science but by a full understanding of social, historical,spiritual world.

I think, physicians could be made better by attending to what is important and worthwhile in medicine, namely medical anthropology. An emphasis on medical anthropology could enhance the physician-patient relationship and also result in a more satisfying practice for exemplary physicians. Medical anthropology can thus enrich the practice of medicine by reminding us of our basic commitment for physicians.

Keywords: 의학적 인간학; 심신상관학; 앓고 있는 인간; 환자의 인격; 그리스도교 사상 인과원리
Keywords: Medical Anthropology; Psychosomatics; Homo Patiens; Patient's Personality; Catholic Thoughts; The Law of Causality

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