
문제해결력 향상을 위한 의료윤리 수업모형 개발*

박혜진1, 강이철2,*
Hye Jin PARK1, E Cheol KANG2,*
Author Information & Copyright
1계명대학교 의과대학 의학교육학교실
2경북대학교 사범대학 교육학과
1Department of Medical Education, Keimyung University School of Medicine
2Department of Education, Kyungpook National University School of Education
*교신저자: 강이철. 경북대학교 사범대학교 교육학과. Tel: 053-950-5811. Fax: 053-950-6807. e-mail:

ⓒ Copyright 2016 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: May 16, 2016; Revised: May 24, 2016; Accepted: Jun 04, 2016

Published Online: Jun 30, 2016


현대의 의과대학 교육목표는 좋은 의사 양성이라고 할 수 있다. 국내 모든 의과대학에서 의료윤리 교육이 시행되고 있으나 체계적으로 설계된 교육은 찾아보기 어려웠다. 이에 본 연구는 의과대학생을 대상으로 문제해결력 향상을 위한 의료윤리 수업 모형을 개발하고 효과를 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 사례기반학습, 토론학습, 협동학습, 도덕과 교수학습 모형의 원리와 단계에 기반을 둔 준비-인지-탐색-협업-공유-점검-성찰의 문제해결력 향상을 위한 의료윤리 교육프로그램 모형을 개발하였다. 적용 결과 교수와 학생은 대체적으로 본 프로그램에 만족하였고(교수 M=4.4, 학생 M=4.2), 문제해결력 검사를 실시한 결과 의료윤리 적용 전과 후에 문제해결력에서 변화가 있는 것으로 나타났다(F=11.18, p<.05).


The main educational objective of modern colleges of medicine is to nurture good doctors. Although all medical colleges in South Korea currently provide medical ethics education, these programs have not been designed systematically. The purpose of this study was to develop a model for improving the ethical problem-solving ability of medical students and to analyze its effects. The model requires students to engage in a variety of problem-solving activities, such as preparing materials, searching for information, collaborating with others, sharing information, examining options, and reflecting on results. The model was based on the principles and steps of case-based learning, discussion learning, cooperative learning, and moral teaching-learning model. The model was implemented in classroom settings and its effectiveness was analyzed with satisfaction surveys as well tests of students’ problem-solving abilities before and after the course. The survey results show that the professors and students were generally satisfied with the program (professor M=4.4, students M=4.2), and a T-test found a significant improvement (t=-3.34, p<.001) in students’ problem-solving scores following this course.

Keywords: 의료윤리교육; 수업모형; 문제해결
Keywords: medical ethics education; educational model; problem-solving ability

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