
자유의지와 신경결정론*

최경석 1 , *
Kyungsuk CHOI 1 , *
Author Information & Copyright
1이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원
1School of Law, Ewha Womans University
*교신저자: 최경석. 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원. 02-3277-6659.

ⓒ Copyright 2013 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: Jun 30, 2013; Revised: Aug 10, 2013; Accepted: Aug 21, 2013

Published Online: Aug 31, 2013


The development of neuroscience and brain science makes people express the way of thinking based on brain centrism or neural centrism. Brain centrism or neural centrism may wrongly lead us to think that a brain is identified with a self in itself. Neural determinism is a strongest and most extended version of physicalism than a physicalist’s account that allows causation in neural activities and provides physical accounts for our behaviors. I argue against neural determinism and for the physicalism that allows free will and also makes neuroscience research possible. With the denial of the dichotomy between mind and body, I argue that free will can be understood to be a neural activities for decision making involving cognitive activities and the ability of volition. We cannot know what mental contents will occur when we observe particular areas of brain activated. In addition, even if the same areas are activated across individuals, different mental contents will be made depending on an individual’s belief system as well as his/her past experience and memory. Therefore, there may be neural activities that physicalism applies and are explained by causation. But this does not imply that neural determinism is true. The possibility of causal explanation does not imply the denial of free will. Cognitive activities involving free will may be ones to recognize perceptive responses, to evaluate them, to form beliefs, to compare and evaluate beliefs and values, and to judge them. Thus, the outcomes of these activities are hard to predict. In this respect, they are not deterministic.

Keywords: 자유의지; 신경결정론; 물리주의; 인과관계; 뇌중심주의
Keywords: free will; neural determinism; physicalism; causation; brain centrism

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