Korean Journal of Medical Ethics
The Korean Society for Medical Ethics

유전자 검사 및 연구의 윤리적 문제와유전치료의 문제 : 유전자 결정론을 중심으로*

최경석1, 김중호2, 이경상3, 구인회4,*
Kyung-Suk CHOI1, Joong-Ho KIM2, Kyung-Sang LEE3, In-Hoe KU4,*
1이화여자대학교 생명윤리법정책연구소
2가톨릭대학교 가톨릭생명윤리연구소
3가톨릭대학교 신학대학
4가톨릭대학교 의과대학, 인문사회과학교실
1Ewha Institute for Law & Bioethics, Ewha Womans University
2Catholic Institute of Bioethics, The Catholic University of Korea
3College of Theology, The Catholic University of Korea
4College of Medicine, Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Catholic University of Korea
*교신저자 : 구인회. 가톨릭대학교 의과대학, 인문사회과학교실. 02-590-1048. ihku@catholic.ac.kr

ⓒ Copyright 2006 The Korean Society for Medical Ethics. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2006


Advances in the life sciences have increased our knowledge of the human genome, which in turn has given rise to worries as well as expectations over future societies. Genetic determinism is one of the philosophical sources of these worries and expectations. The purpose of this study is to describe two types of genetic determinism, strong and moderate, and then analyze the causal power of genes from the point of view of both of these theories. Genetic determinism holds that genotypes determine phenotypes. Strong and moderate genetic determinism differ on the question of whether there exist possible defeating factors. However, neither type of genetic determinism is plausible because of the complicated nature of the causal relationships between genotypes and phenotypes. Only when genes function as sufficient conditions, and not merely as necessary conditions, can they determine phenotypes. In addition, since defeating factors may exist, it is unlikely that each genotype determines its relevant phenotype. If genetic determinism is not plausible, the common view of genes must be corrected. Most research on the relationship between genotypes and phenotypes are about correlations, expressed with probabilities, rather than casual relations. This means that the interpretations of genetic experts are necessary. In addition, whether genetic determinism is plausible or not, individuals should not be stigmatized for having certain genotypes. If genetic research is about correlations, gene therapy research should be carried out with great caution based initially on animal studies. We may learn more about the complicated causal roles of genes from these correlations. From such knowledge, we may intervene in the causal chains in which genes are involved. In doing such research, patient confidentiality must be protected.

Keywords: 유전자 결정론; 유전자형; 표현형; 상관관계; 인과관계; 유전자 검사; 연구 및 치료
Keywords: Genetic determinism; Genotype; Phenotype; Correlation; Casual relation; Genetic testing; Research and therapy