병원윤리위원회 역할의 활성화 방안 탐색 연구1)
Published Online: Jun 30, 2003
Hospital ethics committee(HEC) is necessary to help clinical professionals when there is confusion or conflict in dealing with ethical aspects of a patient's care. The Korea Institute of HEC was established on May 2002. However, the HEC cannot really help clinical professionals to resolve ethical conflicts at bedside care yet. This study shows some strategies to activate role of the HEC in Korea.
Through analyzing and comparing current roles, organization, and standards of the HEC between Korea and other countries, the author suggests following:
1. Model of the HEC: Small group type composed of hospital personnels is proper in Korea, because there is lack of professionals who are expert both in biomedical ethics and clinical field.
2. Establishment of community network: Through establishing community network, a HEC can help each other and share information.
3. Use of website.
4. Development of standard for educating committee members and consulting clinical professionals.
5. Assuring financial support.
6. Enhancing interests in ethical aspects especially to top managers of hospitals.