인터넷을 활용한 인턴 대상 의료윤리교육경험
Published Online: Dec 31, 2002
Web-based or cyber education is a useful educational tool that enables to overcome the time and space limitation, and that has to be taken seriously into consideration for medical ethics education, in particular, for the hospital interns or residents. For the last two years, the authors have managed a couple of on-line medical ethics education courses for hospital interns as a part of their PGE program, to get some positive results. This article includes analyses of questionnaire collected from the interns who finished the course with a success. Based upon the authors' experience, the following suggestions for on-line medical ethics education should be considered :
* On-line ethics education can be a viable option, but the limitation has to be admitted. It is desirable that on-line ethics education would be a part of the entire medical ethics education program for clinical physicians.
* On-line education needs both facilities and contents, including of course personnel who manage the courses. Some hospitals are now known to have their own cyber-training programs, into which the ethics education program may be integrated.
* The learning objectives and education materials should be developed to meet the on-line education's specific needs, although further discussion among multi-disciplinary professions is required.
* On-line education should be systematically connected with the professional value building process, or regular education opportunity like one offered by hospital ethics committee. The hospital ethics committee may also be used for an educational purpose.